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ab sofort

Deutsche Aidshilfe

PROJECT MANAGER for the “AIDS Action Europe” Network (m/w/d)

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Deutsche Aidshilfe

  • Berlin
  • Vollzeit
  • Sozialarbeit
  • ab sofort

PROJECT MANAGER for the “AIDS Action Europe” Network (m/w/d)

Deutsche Aidshilfe (DAH) is both self-help organisation and association of autonomous member organisations and professionals. As an umbrella organisation for more than 115 member organisations it represents health- and socio-political interests of people living with HIV/Aids. It also provides prevention of HIV, HCV and sexually transmitted infections (STI) for key populations. More information you find here:

By approval of the relevant resources by donors, DAH is looking for a

 Project Manager for the “AIDS Action Europe” Network (International Department of the DAH, full-time position, EG 11, 100 % of weekly working time, fixed-term)

at the earliest (preferably from 01.07.2022)

Deutsche Aidshilfe is the host organisation of the Project „AIDS Action Europe“. AIDS Action Europe is the largest HIV/Aids related network which brings together experience of 400 civil society actors from Europe and Central Asia. AIDS Action Europe represents interests of civil society on European level (

Areas of responsibility

  • application, implementation and reporting of projects of the network at European level;
  • networking with organizations and institutions in an international context;
  • technical and content-related orientation of the project work;
  • communication with the donors, with other organizations in the European HIV landscape and the project partners;
  • development of the network;
  • provide technical input to the network's websites and the project;
  • contribute to AIDS Action Europe's involvement in international discussions.

Your profile:

  • You have a relevant university degree, if possible in the field of social or health sciences, and have at least three years of experience in project management
  • Experience in international committee work and good knowledge of international, especially European organizations and structures in the field of HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis are also required.
  • You have experience in designing project applications, in project implementation and in financial and content-related reporting.
  • You enjoy working in an interdisciplinary and intercultural team. You have mastered the use of all relevant office programs.
  • You have proficient English and, if possible, German and Russian language skills, both written and spoken.
  • Knowledge (also medical) in the field of HIV/AIDS and other STIs as well as hepatitis is required, as well as high communication skills and intercultural sensitivity.
  • You identify with the goals of AIDS Action Europe and Deutsche Aidshilfe and are sensitive to all affected groups and their lifestyles.
  • You enjoy traveling and are willing to occasionally work at weekends.

We offer:

  • A manifold, responsible position with a great scope of creativity in an interdisciplinary team.
  • A stabile payment according to the German TVöD, pay grade 11.
  • A fixed-term work contract with 100% of the agreed weekly working hours, 39 hrs/week. The job is secured until the end of 2022 with possible prolongation depending on the funding.
  • Remote work is possible


We welcome applications from people living with and affected by HIV, women, men, trans*, migrants and people with disabilities and/or chronic diseases (corresponding BGleiG, SGB IX).

Please note that all costs incurred through the application or interview (e.g. travel and accommodation costs) cannot be reimbursed by DAH and are the applicant’s responsibility.

Please send your application by 13.06.202022, 24.00 h CET (latest) via Connectoor:

Job interviews are scheduled for 20.06.2022 and 21.06.2022 in the Federal office in Berlin and/or online.

Jetzt bewerben!


  • intercultural competence
  • applications writing
  • organisational skills
  • international work


Weitere Informationen

Interne Stellenbezeichnung  PM-AAE-22
Beschäftigungsartsozialversicherungspflichtiges Anstellungsverhältnis
BerufsfeldBildung und Soziales
Berufsfeld DetailSozialarbeit

Über uns

Die Deutsche Aidshilfe (DAH) ist der Dachverband von rund 115 Organisationen und Einrichtungen in Deutschland. Sie vertritt die Interessen von Menschen mit HIV/Aids in der Öffentlichkeit sowie gegenüber Politik, Wissenschaft und medizinischer Forschung.

Zu unseren wichtigsten Aufgaben zählt zudem die Aufklärung über HIV/Aids und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen. In erfolgreicher Arbeitsteilung mit der Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (BZgA) sprechen wir gezielt die gesellschaftlichen Gruppen an, die von HIV/Aids besonders bedroht sind. Dazu zählen:

  • Männer, die Sex mit Männern haben
  • Menschen aus Weltregionen, in denen HIV besonders stark verbreitet ist
  • Menschen, die Drogen gebrauchen
  • Sexarbeiter*innen
  • Menschen in Haft

Wir unterstützen und ermöglichen dabei Selbsthilfeaktivitäten in diesen Gruppen sowie für Menschen mit HIV.

Die DAH bietet mit ihrer Bundesgeschäftsstelle außerdem Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung an. Zielgruppe sind ihre Mitglieder, Selbsthilfegruppen sowie andere, die in diesem Feld tätig sind.

Ferner veröffentlicht sie Materialien (Broschüren, Faltblätter, Postkarten, Plakate, Anzeigen und Fachbücher), die in Inhalt, Stil, Motiv und Gestaltung auf ihre Zielgruppen zugeschnitten sind und bietet auf verschiedenen Webseiten zahlreiche Informationen an (näheres siehe


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